
Centre International d'Antibes

Centre International d'Antibes school




Founded in 1985, the Centre International d'Antibes is today one of the biggest centres specialising in the teaching of French as a foreign language.


Located between the cities of Nice and Cannes along 15 miles (25km) of sandy beaches that enjoy 300 days of sunshine each year, the city of Antibes is one of the landmark destinations of the French Riviera, also known as the Cote d'Azur!


The Centre International d'Antibes

has received the Label Qualité Français Langue Etrangère.


In 2012, the success rate for students at CIA in the DELF exam was 97%


All the teachers at our school have a university degree. They were chosen for their qualifications, their experience and their human qualities. Both their passion for teaching and their communication skills make them excellent teachers.


These excellent teachers know how to create a welcoming atmosphere in which you can learn French at your own rhythm in friendly and rewarding surroundings.


The first morning is spent welcoming new students and presenting the school. There is an information meeting during which time you will be provided with all the information you need for your stay. You will also meet our staff before heading off to visit Antibes.

The meeting is at 8:30am at "Le Château" school. French tests take place at 2pm to assess your written and oral skills and place you in a group which suits your level. No lessons are held on the first day. You will be advised which school you will be attending ("Le Château" or "Le Port") after the tests.

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